Episode 15: Bonus
This week I didn’t record for the Dadaxy Podcast, but instead talked to Ronja Sara about the power of words and intention for her podcast “Generation Om“. This episode is in Swiss German.

Episode 14: Stories
This is an episode on stories; The stories we tell ourselves, the stories we have lived, the stories our ancestors experienced. The echoes of the stories long past that still whisper in our subconscious ears and form our behaviour. It is also an episode on my newest offer, “Learn Magic”, a training in mastering your energy, aka your Chi, instead of letting the outside master it day in, day out.

Episode 13: The Body Time Palace
What does it mean to be a spiritual being having a physical experience? And why do spiritual people and modern physicists alike not look at time as a cosmic structure like space, but more as a tool for the individual experience we call life? The voices of all times echo in our body time palace.

Episode 12: Shamanic Work, Trauma Healing, Substances
On the mechanics of healing from a spiritual point of view, and what effect Benzodiazepines and THC have on the energetic body and the flow of Chi within in general.

Episode 11: Fukitol
The first of probably many episodes on drugs, their effect on our aura, and shamanic travelling.

Episode 10: Can we start a revolution, please?
Carl Gustav Jung once said “Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakes.” and his words are more needed today than in any other time in human history. The outside is a result of the inside, then influences the inside to create a new outside. So to get new results on the outside, we have to first dissolve all the past stories we still carry within – that’s how true revolutions begin. Are you in?

Episode 9: Being Creative
What is creativity, and how is it formed? I call creativity the alchemical process of marrying the inner Yin with the inner Yang to give birth to a new being. Let’s take a deep dive into this together!

Episode 8: Yin Yang
There is a lot of talk about the “divine feminine” and “divine masculine” at the moment. Let’s dive into this a little deeper by looking at the inner male and female archetypes according to shamanism.

Episode 7: Spirituality Part 2
In this episode, I share my take on spirituality and a grounded spiritual life with you.

Episode 6: Spirituality
Why I believe that living a spiritual life would rid the world of most problems and hence is a political act towards a brighter future. I’m back from my break but still tired so this episode is a little bit all over the place, thanks for your patience!

Episode 5: Pain
I’m in a lot of pain due to an inflammation and thought that to be a good opportunity to share my thoughts on this with you today. Because I do not believe that numbing pain will actually bring healing; pain is an alarm signal of the body, a communication tool. When we numb it, we dissociate from our physical needs.

Episode 4: Failing
In today’s episode, we reflect on the topic of failing and our society’s addiction to perfectionism. I talk about certain times in my life where I “failed” and what good actually came from it. In Leonard Cohen’s words: “There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.”

Episode 3: Highly Sensitive Person
In today’s episode, we dive into the topic of “mental illness” again, and how closely it is related to a dysregulated nervous system. I explain in depth why everyone embracing their very own kind of perception could lead to a world liberated from a lot of suffering, in which we as a society tend to the subconscious root cause of evil happening...

Episode 2: Oxytocin
In today’s episode, we dive deeper into the early stages of romantic relationships and why our ego with its need for definition and our brain with its overproduction of oxytocin cause a lot of unnecessary heartbreaks.

Episode 1: Association
Welcome to the first episode of The Dadaxy podcast. In this episode, we dive deeper into association, dissociation and why these two are connected to the already quietly happening revolution on our beloved planet.

Episode 24: The last episode
This will be the last episode of Adad the Autistic Alien. But don’t worry, I will be back with a new name in a month.

Episode 23: No pain - no gain
The weirdest take on a gym episode you’ll ever hear. Also some generational conflict and my very own take on how to raise kids.

Episode 22: Coming home
In this episode it’s all about what is a home, how to find one and my current struggle with this topic.

Episode 21: The diagnosis is here
We might need to change the name of the podcast now, send me your inputs on how to call it!

Episode 20: When the programming is breaking
Today we celebrate the 20th episode of the Adad the Autistic Alien podcast! In this episode we talk about hindering conditionings.