Djeli GIF

Welcome to Gnothi Seauton!

I am Djeli, your shaman, and I am happy to accompany you on this journey.

Gnothi Seauton is here to help you connect your eternal soul with the four transient bodies of your human vessel. Through this connection you can live a life of integrity, authenticity and inner peace.

The goal of Gnothi Seauton is to create a safe space where you can discover who you really are. Here you can explore your emotions, thoughts, visions and physical sensations in a deep, non-judgmental way.

How it works:

Each body in the Aura resonates with an element - the physical body with Earth, the emotional body with Water, the mental body with Fire and the astral body with Air.

If the Aura is balanced, the Chi flows freely through the bodies and they complement each other. If there are blockages, the elements of the Aura hinder each other.

The Aura Meditations serve to experience the state of the respective body. After meditating, you will learn how you can harmonize the affected body.

After each body meditation, you will be asked to choose the color that feels most right for you. Click on it and read what the color means to you. When you have finished reading the description and expressing what you have experienced, simply move on to the next color.

Each of these body journeys is an invitation to learn more about yourself. You will gain valuable insights and tips on how to care for your different bodies with mindfulness and love.

If you don't have enough time to travel through all the bodies, that's perfectly fine. Just start with the body that is calling you the most at the moment - and take time to listen to what you really need.

I am very much looking forward to guiding you as a companion on this journey into your inner self.

Yalla, Yalla - let's go!

Tune into your Koyopa

Koyopa (known as Kundalini in Hinduism) is the feathered serpent, i.e. a dragon made of light, which lives in your Hara. The Hara is the seat of the soul in the human body and is located two finger widths below the navel in the center of your body.

Koyopa is an etheric form that we use in shamanism to focus, strengthen and nourish our Chi, our life force. In order to work with energy, it is important to give it a form so that it can be clearly channeled.

Gnothi Seauton


Watery Earth


Balanced Earth


Airy Earth


  • The physical body corresponds to the element earth. Like the earth, it can withstand a great deal and, like the earth, it is the ground on which the other elements or bodies of the Aura can unfold.

    Clearing expressions for the physical body are:

    • Shake it off!

    • Run – not jog, run as fast and as far as you can.

    • Swimming or at least dipping your feet or hands in a river, lake or ocean and surrendering to the feeling that arises when the physical body is in a body of water.

    • Crying, Screaming, Bathing, Screeching, Hitting a pillow

    Nourishing impressions for the physical body are:

    • As many and as long hugs and cuddles as possible.

    • Do something with your physical body that you like to do on earth, for example dancing, singing, a sport, giving or receiving a massage, trying out the Wim Hof ​​method, looking for and trying out various breathing techniques on YouTube, search for some good videos on Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Yoga and try to do a few exercises.

  • Your physical body feels rather moldy and damp today. That means too much water – emotions that rock up rapidly and are immediately translated into actions instead of giving them space to develop. Watery earth needs more air to balance out.

    But first of all it is important that you express what you have experienced on the journey through your physical body. Sit down and portray what you have experienced. This can be done through words, or through colors, through pictures, drawings, collages – there are no limits to your imagination.

    Important is that you give the inner, spiritual experience an external, material expression, because in this way the connection between your soul and the physical part of your self is strengthened and anchored more deeply.

    After you’ve expressed your experience, here’s how to balance your watery earth with air:

    • Empower yourself to think more positively about yourself and life. Look at who you are and then stand by yourself.

    • Keep a diary in which you mercilessly record what your inner voice has been telling you about yourself all day long. In this way you get on track of your subconscious and can clean and reprogram it.

  • Your physical body feels nourishing and healthy today. That means that it is in balance – wonderful!

    Now, express what you have experienced on the journey through your physical body. Sit down and portray what you have experienced. This can be done through words, or through colors, through pictures, drawings, collages – there are no limits to your imagination.

    Important is that you give the inner, spiritual experience an external, material expression, because in this way the connection between your soul and the physical part of your self is strengthened and anchored more deeply.

  • Your physical body feels rather cracked and dry today. That means too much air – visions that suppress and block actions instead of giving them space for expression. Airy earth needs more water to balance out.

    But, first of all, it is important that you express what you have experienced on the journey through your physical body. Sit down and portray what you have experienced. This can be done through words, or through colors, through pictures, drawings, collages – there are no limits to your imagination.

    Important is that you give the inner, spiritual experience an external, material expression, because in this way the connection between your soul and the physical part of your self is strengthened and anchored more deeply.

    After you’ve expressed your experience, here’s how to balance your airy earth with water:

    • Empower yourself to express your feelings. Create a space for yourself in which you can do this without involving others. Just you and your feelings are in it, you, expressing your feelings. The wall in your room doesn’t care if you yell at it. The tree in the forest doesn’t mind being shouted at. Your favorite plush toy doesn’t judge your tears, and the punching bag is more than open to being hit by you.

    • Allow yourself radical emotional expression, be it your anger, your joy, your love, your hate – just in such a way that it does not hurt any other being. In this way you get closer to your feelings and learn to deal with them constructively.


Fiery Water


Balanced Water


Earthy Water


  • The emotional body corresponds to the element of water. Like water, it wants to flow, knows many different aggregate states and is the life-giver for our inner and outer experience of reality.

    Clearing expressions for the emotional body are:

    • Find music that expresses your current feelings well, and sing, scream, dance to it. Make sure to really express your feelings; Your singing shouldn’t sound nice, it should reflect your current feelings in the best way possible. Your dance shouldn’t look beautiful, it should show your current feelings. Your screaming should not be pleasant; it should express the intensity of your feelings.

    • Create tones with your physical body that correspond to your feelings, be it a deep throat clearing, a low whimper, a high-pitched scream, or a sloping grunt. Here, too, the point is not that the tones created are intended for an audience; Their task is to portray your inner sensations in the best way possible, to express all of them instead of suppressing them.

    Nourishing impressions for the emotional body are:

    • Pick a color that feels good and beautiful right now. Then bring this color to you; be it a sock in this color, a blanket, or a picture of this color that you found on Google that you install as a screensaver. Look at the color and weave yourself into it or let it melt into you.

    • Find music or other forms of sound that feel good and beautiful right now. Surrender yourself fully to these sounds; become one with them.

    • Pick a place that feels good and beautiful right now. This can be a place from your imagination, a place from a past incarnation, or a place that you know from your current life. Let the place arise in front of your inner eye and then lie down there, become one with this place of power within you.

  • Your emotional body feels rather restless and agitated today. That means too much fire – thoughts that whip up emotions, heat them up by judging them instead of giving them space for development. Fiery water needs more earth to balance out.

    But, first of all, it is important that you express what you have experienced on the journey through your emotional body. Sit down and portray what you have experienced. This can be done through words, or through colors, through pictures, drawings, collages – there are no limits to your imagination.

    Important is that you give the inner, spiritual experience an external, material expression, because in this way the connection between your soul and the emotional part of your self is strengthened and anchored more deeply.

    After you’ve expressed your experience, here’s how to balance your fiery water with earth:

    • Empower yourself to translate your inner desires into outer deeds. Just do it – it could turn out good!

    • Create a space for yourself in which you can just act. Without judgment, without inhibitions, just do whatever comes to mind – as long as it doesn’t hurt another being, you have the right to do whatever you want. In this way you get on the track of your emotional and mental inhibitions and can solve those that do not work for you.

  • Your emotional body feels calm and clear today. That means that it is in balance – wonderful!

    Now, express what you have experienced on the journey through your emotional body. Sit down and portray what you have experienced. This can be done through words, or through colors, through pictures, drawings, collages – there are no limits to your imagination.

    Important is that you give the inner, spiritual experience an external, material expression, because in this way the connection between your soul and the emotional part of your self is strengthened and anchored more deeply.

  • Your emotional body feels rather dark and cold today. That means too much earth – actions that hold emotions in place, suppress them, instead of giving them space for expression. Earthy water needs more fire to balance out.

    But, first of all, it is important that you express what you have experienced on the journey through your emotional body. Sit down and portray what you have experienced. This can be done through words, or through colors, pictures, drawings, collages – there are no limits to your imagination.

    Important is that you give the inner, spiritual experience an external, material expression, because in this way the connection between your soul and the emotional part of your self is strengthened and anchored more deeply.

    After you’ve expressed your experience, here’s how to balance your earthy water with fire:

    • Empower yourself to think more positively about yourself and life. Take an honest look at who you are and then stand by yourself. Use your thoughts actively to think about how you can put your dreams and visions into practice instead of acting blindly or banishing all your ideas into the realm of dreams.

    • Keep a diary in which you mercilessly record what your inner voice has been telling you about yourself all day long. In this way you get on the track of your subconscious and can clean and reprogram it.


Airy Fire


Balanced Fire


Watery Fire


  • The mental body corresponds to the element of fire. Like fire, it wants to burn, to get to the bottom of things and is the guardian of our experience on the human journey.

    Clearing expressions for the mental body are:

    • For a whole day, write down what your inner voice has to tell you about yourself. Count: How often does this voice doubt you? How often does it doubt the current moment? How negative or positive does it talk about you? And, most importantly: Do you believe what it is constantly whispering into your ear, day in, day out? Go into a conscious dialogue with this inner voice; it is your watchdog, all it wants is to protect you. Before you train this dog, however, it protects you in a mentally rather destructive way by generally declaring everything new and foreign to be the enemy. The more you become friends with your watchdog, the better it learns to distinguish which experiences to warn you of and which not.

    • Meet with familiar beings and create a space in which there is no evaluation, just expression. Speak all of your thoughts out loud, no matter how ghastly or self-destructive or violent they are. Just say them out loud, knowing that no one will judge you or your thoughts. You will be amazed how quickly negative thought patterns are released if you allow yourself to give them space. Often, they really just want to be expressed, perceived and accepted, and then they disappear. Obsessive thought patterns do not arise overnight, but are programmed into the brain through constant repetition of certain thoughts and the totalitarian fixation on them. By expressing these thoughts one can act preventively as well as solve existing obsessive patterns. That this happens in a room of love that is being kept up by another being is very important because energy behaves differently when it is observed. The fact that there is another being in the room with a different perspective makes the expressed thought-energy behave differently and automatically changes the perspective of the expressor in a positive way.

    • Express your thoughts through giving them a form. This can be a shadow play, for example, in which you project shadows onto the wall with your hands and use these shadows to represent your thoughts. Drawing thoughts can also be very liberating; It doesn’t matter what your picture looks like in the end – the only thing that matters is that it expresses your thoughts as precisely as possible for you.

    Nourishing impressions for the mental body are:

    • Pick a thought that feels good. Example: “I love myself exactly as I am right now, from the bottom of my heart.” Then imagine how you would lead your life if this thought was your absolute truth. Would you act differently if this thought corresponded to your reality? How would you behave? Live in your imagination for a whole day of your everyday life with this new mindset. How does that feel? Surrender to this feeling, to this reality, to this vision. Further examples could be: “Life loves me. “, “I am guided – I have always done everything right, because I have learned from all my mistakes and have grown from their wisdom.”, “If I do not enter a conflict on the outside, I will have to face it on the inside.”, “I am valuable, just like any other being. Not because I perform, not because I am friendly – I am infinitely valuable, simply because I am.”, “I am loved – with everything I judge in myself, with everything I judge in the world, I myself am not judged – I am loved.”

    • Consume funny or inspiring content - listen to funny or inspiring podcasts or read such books via Google Books.

    • Long and deep hugs and open, loving conversations.

    • Meet with beings who make you feel safe, secure and loved.

  • Your mental body feels rather powerfully blazing and hot today. That means too much air – visions that whip up thoughts, fire them up with new input instead of giving them space for development. Airy fire needs more water to balance out.

    But, first of all, it is important that you express what you have experienced on the journey through your mental body. Sit down and portray what you have experienced. This can be done through words, or through colors, through pictures, drawings, collages – there are no limits to your imagination.

    Important is that you give the inner, spiritual experience an external, material expression, because in this way the connection between your soul and the mental part of your self is strengthened and anchored more deeply.

    After you’ve expressed your experience, here’s how to balance your airy fire with water:

    • Empower yourself to express your feelings. Create a space for yourself in which you can do this without involving others. Just you and your feelings are in it, you, expressing your feelings. The wall in your room doesn’t care if you yell at it. The tree in the forest doesn’t mind being shouted at. Your favorite plush toy doesn’t judge your tears, and the punching bag is more than open to being hit by you.

    • Allow yourself radical emotional expression, be it your anger, your joy, your love, your hate – just in such a way that it does not hurt any other being. In this way you get closer to your feelings and learn to deal with them constructively.

  • Your mental body feels warming and light-giving today. That means that it is in balance – wonderful!

    Now, express what you have experienced on the journey through your mental body. Sit down and portray what you have experienced. This can be done through words, or through colors, through pictures, drawings, collages – there are no limits to your imagination.

    Important is that you give the inner, spiritual experience an external, material expression, because in this way the connection between your soul and the mental part of your self is strengthened and anchored more deeply.

  • Your mental body today feels more like its fire is about to go out. That means too much water – emotions that keep thoughts away, suppress them, instead of giving them space for expression. Watery fire needs more air to balance out.

    But, first of all, it is important that you express what you have experienced on the journey through your mental body. Sit down and represent what you have experienced. This can be done through words, or through colors, through pictures, drawings, collages – there are no limits to your imagination

    Important is that you give the inner, spiritual experience an external, material expression, because in this way the connection between your soul and the mental part of your self is strengthened and anchored more deeply.

    After you’ve expressed your experience, here’s how to balance your watery fire with air:

    • Empower yourself to turn your dreams into reality. Look at who you always wanted to be, how you wanted to be when you were little, and compare these visions with the person you are today. Have you created a happy life for yourself, or are there places where you can still expand? This exercise is all about inspiration, not guilt or remorse! It is about the fact that we humans shape our own lives during our entire lives, we shape our selves, we shape our social reality.

    • Keep a vision diary in which you record all of your visions; be it nightmares and panic attacks, or wishes for the future and fulfilling visions, record them all or describe them in words that suit you. In this way you get on the track of your inner child and your higher self and over time you can shape your life according to your innermost desires.


Earthy Air


Balanced Air


Fiery Air


  • The astral body corresponds to the element of air. Like the air, it wants to blow, see things from an eagle's perspective and is the muse of the dream that we call our life.

    Clearing expressions for the astral body are:

    • For a whole week, record all visions and dreams you see. No matter whether it is panic attacks, nightmares, horror visions or wonderful visions of the future, stories from other times or dimensions, fairy tales, real situations or fantasies: Record them all in some form. Drawing or painting is more effective here than writing, because the mental body already filters what is perceived during writing. Painting is more intuitive; You can paint your visions as they show up, or you can paint them using shapes, colors, layers and dimensions. It is completely unimportant what this vision and dream diary looks like in the end; The only important thing is that the pictures in it express the visions and dreams you have experienced as precisely as possible. On the one hand you relieve your astral body from negative vibrations with this exercise, and on the other hand you give it more space to show itself.

    • Meet with familiar, loving beings and create a space in which there is no evaluation, just expression and reflection. Then everyone expresses their visions and dreams creatively, be it through painting, writing, handicrafts, drawing, designing a computer graphic, programming a code, composing a melody. Then you can do as you wish; Either everyone just leaves this room with their creation, or you all stay and devote yourself to something else, or you present your creations to each other (this is possible with or without an explanation), or you go into an active analysis of the individual and collective processes that have expressed themselves through your creations. Each of these variants strengthens your connection with each other and a regular repetition of such sessions sooner or later leads to the possibility of active holographic telepathy among the participants.

    • Create, create, create – no matter what, be it a leaf mandala on the autumn forest floor, a little lullaby for your baby, drawing a candle, mend a pair of pants, go on a vision quest, invent a new word, grow a new type of mushroom – create, create, create!

    Nourishing impressions for the astral body are:

    • Pick a vision or dream that feels good right now. Example: You live in a world where there is no more money. Then imagine how you will lead your life when this dream is your absolute reality. How would you behave, how would you shape your life if everything were exactly the same, but you neither have to pay for something nor would you be paid for something? Live in your imagination for a whole day of your everyday life in this new form of reality. See in your mind’s eye how you go to the supermarket, take what you need, and leave without paying. Imagine how you do an activity that fulfills you and not get paid for it. How does that feel? Surrender to this feeling, to this reality, to this vision. Further examples could be: You live in a world in which there is no longer any shortage, You live in a world in which everyone meets with openness and love, You live on a completely different planet with different social, cultural and economic structures, and so forth. There are no limits to your imagination! The more weird and extraterrestrial your ideas, the better.

    • Consume creative and inspiring content - listen to creative and inspiring podcasts or read such books via Google Books.

    • Future-oriented, positive, nurturing and inspiring conversations of all kinds – regardless of whether you take part in them yourself or simply listen or watch.

    • Meet with beings who inspire you and who evoke new perspectives, new ways of thinking and feeling within you.

  • Your astral body feels rather unsteady and stormy today. That means too much earth – inspirations and ideas that are whipped up and immediately translated into action instead of giving them space to develop. Earthy air needs more fire to balance out.

    But, first of all, it is important that you express what you have experienced on the journey through your astral body. Sit down and portray what you have experienced. This can be done through words, or through colors, through pictures, drawings, collages – there are no limits to your imagination.

    Important is that you give the inner, spiritual experience an external, material expression, because in this way the connection between your soul and the astral part of your self is strengthened and anchored more deeply.

    After you’ve expressed your experience, here’s how to balance your earthy air with fire:

    • Empower yourself to think more positively about yourself and life. Take an honest look at who you are and then stand by yourself. Use your thoughts actively to think about how you can put your dreams and visions into practice instead of acting blindly or banishing all your ideas into the realm of dreams.

    • Keep a diary in which you mercilessly record what your inner voice has been telling you about yourself all day long. In this way you get on the track of your subconscious and can clean and reprogram it.

  • Your astral body feels calm and gentle today. That means that it is in balance – wonderful!

    Now, express what you have experienced on the journey through your astral body. Sit down and portray what you have experienced. This can be done through words, or through colors, through pictures, drawings, collages – there are no limits to your imagination.

    Important is that you give the inner, spiritual experience an external, material expression, because in this way the connection between your soul and the astral part of your self is strengthened and anchored more deeply.

  • Your astral body feels almost like it doesn’t exist today. That means too much fire – thoughts that downplay visions, suppress ideas instead of giving them space for expression. Fiery air needs more earth to balance out.

    But, first of all, it is important that you express what you have experienced on the journey through your astral body. Sit down and portray what you have experienced. This can be done through words, or through colors, through pictures, drawings, collages – there are no limits to your imagination.

    Important is that you give the inner, spiritual experience an external, material expression, because in this way the connection between your soul and the astral part of your self is strengthened and anchored more deeply.

    After you’ve expressed your experience, here’s how to balance your fiery air with earth:

    • Empower yourself to translate your inner desires into outer deeds. Just do it – it could turn out good!

    • Create a space for yourself in which you can just act. Without judgment, without inhibitions, just do whatever comes to mind – as long as it doesn’t hurt another being, you have the right to do whatever you want. In this way you get on the track of your emotional and mental inhibitions and can solve those that do not work for you.

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Dadaxy - Your community for spiritual development Would you like to get to know yourself better and experience deeper spiritual practices in a supportive community? Dadaxy guides you through a collection of shamanic rituals and self-awareness practices and offers you a safe space for growth and healing. In the Dadaxy you can encounter the Runes and the Celtic Tree Horoscope, engage intensively with your Aura and experience shamanic practice.

✓ Weekly Sessions for Relaxation
✓ Monthly shamanic Journeys for Empowerment
✓ The eBook of "Being Human - A Travel Guide"
✓ Earth's first Aura School with Exercises & Rituals
✓ The Runes and Celtic Tree Astrology