Gnothi Seauton Dada Chi Gnothi Seauton Dada Chi


Why Enso Elea? I've been through things in my life that I don't think one should go through alone. Therapeutic support is a part of the journey, but what's more important in my experience is that you don't feel alone in what you're experiencing. During my stays with indigenous tribes, I have learned that everything is easier for us when we feel we belong.

The Perks of Meditation
Gnothi Seauton Dada Chi Gnothi Seauton Dada Chi

The Perks of Meditation

Why is meditation important? The human Aura consists of different bodies. Just as we take care of our Physical Body by brushing our teeth and taking a shower, we can also take care of the hygiene of our Emotional Body, our Mental Body and our Astral Body. Meditation here is the toothbrush or the shower head, i.e. the tool with which we can clean our Aura.

Aura School
Gnothi Seauton Dada Chi Gnothi Seauton Dada Chi

Aura School

The Enso Elea Aura School accompanies you through 7 degrees of self-knowledge, from the Seed to the Forest. In an easily understandable way, I will guide you through the different layers of your Aura, aka your Self, and the different states that your consciousness, aka your Soul, which animates your Aura, can take on. You are carried by the Elements and guided by me throughout this journey called Connection of Self and Soul.

Gnothi Seauton Dada Chi Gnothi Seauton Dada Chi


Perhaps you are already familiar with the words Da'at and Satsang. As always, I wanted to find a unique name for my latest project, even if that doesn't necessarily make it easier to market. But if the world you are in doesn't speak your language yet, you just have to teach it.

Enso Elea
Gnothi Seauton Dada Chi Gnothi Seauton Dada Chi

Enso Elea

You may have noticed that the Enso Elea Symbol looks like a spaceship viewed from below. That has to do with the fact that I often would have liked to beam myself away from this planet. Unlike most people, I was born conscious of infinity; that is, I remember closing my eyes in another place, in another body, before opening them again on Earth as a human baby.

Gnothi Seauton Web App
Gnothi Seauton Dada Chi Gnothi Seauton Dada Chi

Gnothi Seauton Web App

Are you also a little bored with what the world is dealing with and somehow have the feeling that there has to be more? My Mom Dada felt like this for most of her life - the surface was seldom interesting enough to capture her attention. She always wanted to know what lies behind things... which structures are subject to the obvious. Because if you know the structures, you can build new worlds.
