Peacock Woman
Reflections Dada Chi Reflections Dada Chi

Peacock Woman

I have had very strong emotions all my life. It wasn't possible for me to rise above them, so I learned to separate myself from my feelings. Learned to no longer notice them, by focusing on the outside. I distracted myself with everything that came along, the main thing was not to dive into these inner whirlpools. Of course, that didn't work at all. The more of myself I repressed in one place, the more came up in other places, rather explosively.

Ring Of Fire
Reflections Dada Chi Reflections Dada Chi

Ring Of Fire

In shamanism as well as in trauma therapy, we often deal with the retrieval of parts of the soul or, expressed psychologically, we re-associate with the parts of ourselves to which we apparently lost contact on our way through life. An important part of this work is the stripping of old skin, i.e. the liberation from the stories that we carry around with us because our society lacks the general knowledge of how to integrate stories, let them go and continue onward.

Enjoy The Silence Festival
Reflections Dada Chi Reflections Dada Chi

Enjoy The Silence Festival

I was booked to do a shamanic Reisa during the Opening Ceremony of this year’s Enjoy the Silence Festival. We gathered on one of the beautiful hills surrounding lake Como and celebrated life and love to the pumping basslines of Psycore music for three days, and to me it felt like a proper healing ceremony, where everyone was their own shaman, and the music was the icaro.

Reflections Dada Chi Reflections Dada Chi


Chi is another word for life energy, i.e. the force that breathes life into matter. This power appears to modern man as a miracle, and he tries everything to explain this miracle scientifically in some way. I find that a little amusing - because the ancient cultures knew exactly what the mystery of life force is: Consciousness.

Reflections Dada Chi Reflections Dada Chi


What does self-confidence mean? Self-confidence means trusting myself. Trusting myself means being with myself and lovingly standing up for my own needs. Because when I do that, I can trust myself. Then I have good intentions towards myself. That doesn't mean that I'm allowed to occupy or penetrate the space of others. But it is the task of the others to clearly demarcate their space.

The Colours of the Aura
Reflections Dada Chi Reflections Dada Chi

The Colours of the Aura

I described how the aura is built up in my article "Connection of Self and Soul". Today I would like to go into the colors of the aura. As you may know, you can buy an aura photograph at certain esoteric fairs. This art form absolutely has its merits; I just want to note that your aura almost never looks the same.

Connection of Self and Soul
Reflections Dada Chi Reflections Dada Chi

Connection of Self and Soul

For many years I have meditated on what exactly the "soul", the "self", "spirit" and "mind" are. In my book "Being Human - A Travel Guide" I then, as a result of these inner studies, described the individual parts of the human aura as follows: The core is the physical body, the material anchor for the spirit, so to speak. It can best be compared to the element Earth.

Handpoke Tattoo Rituals
Reflections Dada Chi Reflections Dada Chi

Handpoke Tattoo Rituals

Handpoked tattoos are the origin of contemporary tattoo culture. Contrary to the modern way of tattooing, a tattoo needle without machine power pierces through the first layer of skin and places the color pigments in the second layer of the skin, the socalled “leather skin”. This procedure varies from the regular tattooing technique as far as its feeling is different and it doesn’t affect the skin as much.

Learning to read Life
Reflections Dada Chi Reflections Dada Chi

Learning to read Life

I have an extremely extensive collection of cards, which would probably make every witch heart beat faster. If you would like to delve deeper into working with cards, I can give you an insight into this world during a Chi Session - from classic tarot to light code tarots and shamanic potency tarots, reading power animal cards, Mayan cards and Runes, everything is there.

What it's good for
Reflections Dada Chi Reflections Dada Chi

What it's good for

You don't need a crystal. You don't need an essence. You don't need a coach. It's all inside of you. What you do need to progress is a clear intention, set into focussed action. And that's were the first sentence of this thought excursion gets turned: Often times, I had all these thoughts inside of me, and only when speaking about them to someone, they cleared up.

Love Yourself
Reflections Dada Chi Reflections Dada Chi

Love Yourself

"Love yourself", they say. A single sentence that triggers so much in me. "I don't want to be selfish. I don't want to be arrogant. I don't want to put myself above others." - These are all socially shaped concepts with which I do not want to identify. Then a realization: loving myself does not mean putting myself above others. But to finally see myself as an equal. Not only understanding and feeling compassion for everyone else, but also for myself.

Reflections Dada Chi Reflections Dada Chi


Meditation does not describe a state of not thinking, but rather the state of having thought through to the end. For a long time I thought I couldn't meditate because my mind wandered to the future, to the past, mostly ignoring the now. Until I realized that I just needed to focus on this mind; namely, any thoughts that I had not finished thinking and any feelings that I had not finished feeling or expressing.

Jedi Mind Tricks
Reflections Dada Chi Reflections Dada Chi

Jedi Mind Tricks

Isn't it interesting that we humans can actually reprogram our conscious and subconscious mind? With every day more I see the neccessity of such a reprogramming - our minds have not been properly upgraded to function well in the modern age. They mostly still operate on software from the stone age and hence need a little reboot to create a smoother experience for the mind, body and soul alltogether.

You Are Enough
Reflections Dada Chi Reflections Dada Chi

You Are Enough

You are enough

just the way you are -

you don't have to give me anything

you don't have to say anything,

you don't have to do anything...

because I see you.

And just the way I see you

I accept you -

evaluation creates separation,

creates our downfall.

So, only if you like,

take your masksfrom your face -

others might not like to see

your true nature,

but the others

are not me.

The Teachings of Pain
Reflections Dada Chi Reflections Dada Chi

The Teachings of Pain

I wrote the following poem in 2015. It became an important guiding star of everything I create: Never looking to take away the pain, but rather embracing it, absorbing it completely, until it transforms itself from the ashes of the burned past into a beautiful phoenix of newfound insight. Today, in my Chi Sessions, I accompany people through this process.

Reflections Dada Chi Reflections Dada Chi


Often I have to laugh heartily at human-shaped words – weeds is one of them. So a herb is not a herb, say a weed, only because it eludes human control. Because it does not do what we want, it becomes an absurdity. There are many things that have become preposterous because they are uncontrollable: Pain. Death. Disease. Most people would like to destroy all of them, like the weeds that stain their garden.

Reflections Dada Chi Reflections Dada Chi


Perception. A word that we use very often without being aware of its meaning; it's origin is the latin word percipere, which means "to receive, understand". Nowadays we mostly use this word as a synonym for awareness. But awareness originates from old english "gewær", which means to be aware of something. Hence there is a massive difference between these two:

Reflections Dada Chi Reflections Dada Chi


Isn’t it interesting how much our perception is subject to our focus? Like in a photograph, everything in the background blurs except the thing we focus on. Depending on what we hold in our focus, our reality feels very different. For example, if my focus is on all the things I do not have, but would like to have, I don’t feel that good. I feel as if I am missing something, although objectively speaking, that is not the case. I do not miss this object of desire – I just do not own it.

Reflections Dada Chi Reflections Dada Chi


On closer inspection, structures are omnipresent in our lives. We do not perceive them because they are invisible – they are the grid that holds creation, the manifested reality, together. Everything in nature has a chemical signature, a code that defines its form in manifested reality. An embryo follows in its development exclusively the sequence genetically proclaimed in its DNA – not a millimeter is deviated from it. Each network follows solely the binary code that underlies it; a single mistake in this code makes the whole thing fail.

Reflections Dada Chi Reflections Dada Chi


“Perhaps the terrible is basically the helpless that wants help from us.” Today I stumbled upon this quote from Rainer Maria Rilke, and it has caused a lot of Dadaistic thoughts in me. Not only that I fully agree with this statement, no, it also reminds me of a practice called Chöd, which was very common among the shamanic Tibetan healers.
