Alpha and Omega
Stories Dada Chi Stories Dada Chi

Alpha and Omega

When I lived in India 10 years ago, my father was visiting when I was trying to find a name for my company. In the previous years I had learned more and more crafts, such as making macramé jewelry or tattooing by hand. At the same time, I had also trained further in energetic disciplines and had a qualification as a Reiki master and teacher.

Stories Dada Chi Stories Dada Chi


About the shame of having a body

the shame of being different

the shame of being the same

the shame of being sick

the shame of being healthy

about the shame of being privileged

and the shame of being poor

about the shame that comes from outside

and the shame that sits in our cells

about the shame that makes you hunchback, even with yoga

A Power Symbol Tattoo Story
Stories Dada Chi Stories Dada Chi

A Power Symbol Tattoo Story

Eli wanted a personal Power Symbol on the topics of clear communication from within, self-expression, setting boundaries and self-care. The chosen part of the body fits perfectly with the effect of the Symbol, because these are all topics of the throat chakra.

Some Background Information
Stories Dada Chi Stories Dada Chi

Some Background Information

I'm currently on the way to a metaphysical room cleansing. There's a lot to say about this! For example, that there are two types of cleansing. The first is the one that many also practice at home; Just as we sweep the dust out of our physical spaces, we sweep stuck bits of thoughts and emotions out of the metaphysical spaces. The second type is only practiced by magicians of all kinds, such as shamans and witches. This type is about intervening in the energy matrix of the place itself.

Stories Dada Chi Stories Dada Chi


The pearl is a symbol of inner growth. Do you know how it is made? A grain of sand or other foreign body such as a mite or similar finds its way inside a shell. The shell cannot spit out the foreign body, so she encapsulates it in the innermost layer of her mantle, which is made of mother-of-pearl. From this encapsulation, the pearl develops over time.

Kintsugi - The Art Of Trauma and Healing
Stories Dada Chi Stories Dada Chi

Kintsugi - The Art Of Trauma and Healing

In the following I describe a process that happens to all of us in life anyway; so far rather unconsciously. Since we are becoming more and more aware of our inner processes, we must also deal with them more consciously. That's why I'm taking you on a little trip. I burned a hole in my incense holder and used it as an opportunity to practice a Japanese technique called Kintsugi.

Stories Dada Chi Stories Dada Chi


The Amethyst takes its name from the Greek "amethystos" which means "sober" or "not drunk". This naming is most likely due to its ability to keep its wearer cool in stressful situations. The amethyst has proven itself as a test stone; It is advisable to wear an amethyst on your body (in the form of jewelry or as a tumbled stone in your pocket) or to put it on the table in front of you during every kind of test in life.

The Web of Wyrd
Stories Stories

The Web of Wyrd

Back in 2010, I was not doing very well. I had lost my job due to burnout, my doctor wanted me to apply for social care due to my mental insufficiency and I had almost no money because I had already earned very little before. Sad and often alone, I sat at home, diligently wrote applications and studied psychology myself, so as not to get caught in the social welfare system.

Two Wolves
Stories Dada Chi Stories Dada Chi

Two Wolves

When the white man reached Turtle Island, which people now call "The United States of America," he found people there who were different from himself. They only covered their nudity where it was of practical use, and otherwise had very different customs from those known to the white man. For example, the native people of Turtle Island made no distinction between "master" and "mastered" - they only killed what they ate and lived in grateful and humble union with the greater whole.

The Me In Between
Stories Dada Chi Stories Dada Chi

The Me In Between

My name is Dada, and I have been in contact with the spiritual world and its inhabitants since I was reborn into physical reality in May of 1988. For decades, I was made believe that I am sick, that something is wrong with me - until I came into contact with plant medicines and they became my master teachers.
