Dada Chi

Alpha and Omega

Elemental Bodies of the Human Aura

“Life is lived forward and understood backwards.” Søren Kierkegaard When I lived in India 10 years ago, my father was visiting when I was trying to find a name for my company. In the previous years I had learned more and more crafts, such as making macramé jewelry or tattooing by hand. At the same


Dada März 2024

About the shame of having a body the shame of being different the shame of being the same the shame of being sick the shame of being healthy about the shame of being privileged and the shame of being poor about the shame that comes from outside and the shame that sits in our cells

A Power Symbol Tattoo Story

Power Symbol Self Expression

Eli wanted a personal Power Symbol on the topics of clear communication from within, self-expression, setting boundaries and self-care. The chosen part of the body fits perfectly with the effect of the Symbol, because these are all topics of the throat chakra. I always notice that it is only at a point that people want

Some Background Information

Dada Chi Portrait

I’m currently on the way to a metaphysical room cleansing. There’s a lot to say about this! For example, that there are two types of cleansing. The first is the one that many also practice at home; Just as we sweep the dust out of our physical spaces, we sweep stuck bits of thoughts and

Peacock Woman

Dada Chi Logo 2024 Blau Crop

I have had very strong emotions all my life. It wasn’t possible for me to rise above them, so I learned to separate myself from my feelings. Learned to no longer notice them, by focusing on the outside. I distracted myself with everything that came along, the main thing was not to dive into these

Ring Of Fire

Ring Of Fire Meditation Cover Tara

In shamanism as well as in trauma therapy, we often deal with the retrieval of parts of the soul or, expressed psychologically, we re-associate with the parts of ourselves to which we apparently lost contact on our way through life. An important part of this work is the stripping of old skin, i.e. the liberation


Power Symbol Aliveness

This month’s shamanic Power Symbol gives you a deeper sense of your own aliveness and the abundance contained in every single moment on earth. Recently I had the honor to create a shamanic Power Symbol on the topic of aliveness for a client. As is often the case, this assignment fit my own process perfectly. You may have noticed

As Above So Below

As Above So Below

As Above, So BelowAs Within, So WithoutAs The Universe, So The Soul As the universe, so the soul… Calm and eternal and full of undiscovered worlds within.  I’m doing a lot of storystudying these days. The stories we tell ourselves, about ourselves and the world. About our past and our future and our now. So. many.


Leiten einer Verbindungszeremonie

Why Enso Elea? I’ve been through things in my life that I don’t think one should go through alone. Therapeutic support is a part of the journey, but what’s more important in my experience is that you don’t feel alone in what you’re experiencing. During my stays with indigenous tribes, I have learned that everything

Shamanism From My Point Of View

Source Balance Symbol in Gold

I used spring, which was blessed with a lot of rain here in Switzerland, to completely revamp my website. It is now much clearer and more accessible. You will often come across the word “shamanic” when discovering it. Hence I would like to share my personal views on the use of this term in the western

Being A Tree

The Tree of the Universe In Circle

Spring is my absolute favorite season. Everything blooms and awakens to new life – so do my ideas and projects every year. A lot happens around this time in my anyways busy life. Also I see the dance of the tides strongest in spring; how winter doesn’t just voluntarily give up its place, and summer has



This Symbol tells the story of the web and its weavers. In all ancient cultures there is a story about one or more mythical beings who determine the destiny of humans and the universe by weaving or untying the threads of faith. In Norse mythology we see the three Norns, which I like to call past,

The Perks of Meditation

Rune Man

Why is meditation important? The human Aura consists of different bodies. Just as we take care of our Physical Body by brushing our teeth and taking a shower, we can also take care of the hygiene of our Emotional Body, our Mental Body and our Astral Body. Meditation here is the toothbrush or the shower

Aura School

Enso Elea Aura School

The Enso Elea Aura School accompanies you through 7 degrees of self-knowledge, from the Seed to the Forest. In an easily understandable way, I will guide you through the different layers of your Aura, aka your Self, and the different states that your consciousness, aka your Soul, which animates your Aura, can take on. You



Perhaps you are already familiar with the words Da’at and Satsang. As always, I wanted to find a unique name for my latest project, even if that doesn’t necessarily make it easier to market. But if the world you are in doesn’t speak your language yet, you just have to teach it. Da’at is the

Enso Elea Preview

Enso Elea Crown

Enso Elea is filled with exclusive content I create for my tribe, like exercises for your daily practice, shamanic Reisa, my Cosmic Radio podcast and lots of Symbol knowledge. If you want to check out what you’re getting yourself into before subscribing, you can explore some examples of my work here: CENTERING EXERCISE My exercises

Enso Elea

Enso Elea Sigil

You may have noticed that the Enso Elea Symbol looks like a spaceship viewed from below. That has to do with the fact that I often would have liked to beam myself away from this planet. Unlike most people, I was born conscious of infinity; that is, I remember closing my eyes in another place,

Gnothi Seauton Web App

Djeli Chi

Are you also a little bored with what the world is dealing with and somehow have the feeling that there has to be more? My Mom Dada felt like this for most of her life – the surface was seldom interesting enough to capture her attention.  She always wanted to know what lies behind things…

Chi Crew : Elaste


Asgersot Ololim! Or in English: Hello Love! My name is Elaste and I’m the owl in Dada’s Chi Crew. As I constantly fly back and forth between this world and the afterlife, my wings are covered with stardust from various galaxies. Elaste is a word from the language that Dada speaks and sings during her

Chi Crew : Olnat


Aloha! My name is Olnat and I’m the jay in Dada’s Chi Crew. I always carry a pearl in my beak. Olnat is a word from the language that Dada speaks and sings during her shamanic work. Like all words from this language, it cannot be translated easily. Roughly speaking, Olnat means “Walker between the